9:00am on a Sunday morning. John calls me:”Do you repair furniture… I want to be ready for Thanksgiving”. Sure: I jump in the car to inspect each piece and give a realistic opinion of how much time would be necessary to ensure the integrity of the chairs, the need to refinish a table before the holidays parties. Two days… this can be challenging! Let’s go: I’ll write the outcome soon.

12:30. The visit revealed the need for one armchair arm that needs tightening before the holiday’s sit-down dinner. This is a “new” construction all held by nuts and bolts instead of tenons. Some Allen bolts need to be taken care of at the seat/arm joint. Bot the arm is attached to the back with a “barrel” bolt. We’ll see.
A second chair needs spherical casters. These will be ordered.

Three chairs were retightened with bolts. However, one of the armchairs had to be taken back to the shop. A new floating tenon had to be created because the upholstery covered the original break. After a day’s work and clamping, John and his family had the chair ready for the celebration.
This work lead to additional refinishing assignment I will describe in alater post.